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COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, which includes, chronic bronchitis, & emphysema) affects over 20 million Americans (the UNdiagnosed figures, unofficially make it around double THIS figure) (1). It is now the 4th leading cause of death in the US (2,3). It represents over 13% of ALL hospitalizations (4). Pulmonary Rehabilitation works!(5)

 Obstructive Airways Disease is a VERY prevelant problem in our society, to the point that over 40+ million people MAY suffer from this ailment, and NOT know it!

HINT: if you snore, THAT may be a clue! More on that later.

Sunday, the 22nd of September in the year 2024, at 4:19:04am


This website is created, owned and managed by Robert Penhallow,BS,CRT,RCP. All rights and trademarks are acknowledged & in place.

My mission statement: I want to provide a website that advises, comforts, and educates, those individuals that have an adult lung disease, or have intimate knowledge of someone that does; For all of you to realize the TRUTH about lung disease, that there IS a word called "HOPE" and to have an intelligent dialog, that speaks to each individuals need! I want all, that come to this site, to feel comfortable in speaking their
truth, and in this, to FIND the truth that is there for all of you that WANT it! I want this for all that find my site (if you have a friend or relative that has a lung disease, please have them come to my site)! I will be here for you, as my time allows. I want all to know that any and all guestbook entrees, e-mails, forum inputs, links, et al, WILL be acknowledged by ME, personally! This is my dedication to all of you who have lung disease. I AM a patient advocate, and have been for some time, and I can't see myself changing now! PleaseSUPPORT this site by signing my guestbook, peeking into my forum [for info that may be important to you or someone that you know],supporting my sponsers (I know this is difficult, in this world of commercialism, but this website needs your support and I would appreciate it if you would click on these benefactors, so I can continue to improve this site for those that need the info) & linking your websites to mine, and well,......just having fun with this site of mine. I truly care for all of you, especially those of you who have a chronic respiratory problem, and I AM here for you!

I have been away for a bit and am now back to re-construct this site. I beg for your patience.

Send e-mail to falconhead1@earthlink.net

This site subscribes to the HONcode principles of the Health On the Net Foundation

Disclaimer: The purpose of this World Wide Web site is to provide information, consul and companionship. I am a Respiratory Care Practitioner, not a medical doctor. Medical advice should be obtained ONLY from your licensed physician. None of the information or links at this site are warranted for accuracy, reliability, timeliness, completeness, or anything else; read, research and consult with your licensed physician for medical advice. Please do this for your life, it is VERY important to me that you do this. I want to say that I reserve the right to place commercial advertisements on this site, so as to defray the cost of providing this website to the public. This is necessary, so that I can provide all of you with my time and information. Thank you again for visiting my site, and DO come back!

Last Updated: 12/29/2002


(1) National Center for Health Statistics, 1993
(2) American Thoracic Society, 1995
(3) Massachusetts Medical Society, 1993
(4) Feinleib,M, et al,Am Rev Respir Dis, 1989
(5) American Journal Respir Care Medicine, 1999 159:1666-1682

I am consistently researching and expanding things, so that you, the viewer, and participant, will have a most enjoyable experience with my site! I invite your suggestions and general input, because in reality, this site is for

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